It is often helpful to understand how a model works before using it to investigate a phenomenon. In this activity, you will look at and interpret some of the underlying code that governs how the model runs. If you want to investigate beyond the questions in this activity, you can look at the complete code of any NetLogo model by clicking on the tab labeled 'NetLogo Code'.
All of the models you will see throughout this unit will have some things in common. For example, every model has individuals called agents which interact with each other in a variety of ways based on rules that govern their behaviors. Also, in every model, time moves forward in short steps called ticks. At the end of each tick, the model uses the agents' rules to calculate what the state of the model will be in the next tick. This means that to understand how the model works, it will be important to understand how the agents behave.
This model has two main types of agents, which are wolves and moose. The questions below will address how each of them behaves.